Monday, January 29, 2007

Pics from Nolan's 1st Game

Thanks again to Jim Maczko for shooting some pictures at Nolan's first game.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nolan's First Hockey Game (Evacuation and All!)

Nolan was able to join his teammates on the Stars last evening for his first Tike/Mite game Wednesday Night. He really enjoyed it and played a variety of positions. Thanks to Gwen and Jim for coming over to the game. He thought it was cool that he had some extra fans. And thanks especially to Jim for shooting some pictures. Once we get a few, we can post them here. The two I took were quite blurry.

The evening got really interesting in the middle of the third period, as the asst. mgr. was getting sick all afternoon and called the local utility company to investigate a possible carbon monoxide leak. The staff purchased a detector and it went off like crazy when they turned it on. The utility company told the staff to order everyone out of the building as fast as possible, so Nolan's first game actually ended with a few minutes left in the 3rd period! We quickly left the building.

Kelly called Ask A Nurse about possible symptoms and extra effects on her since she is pregnant and the Dr. on call said to come into the ER. After dropping the boys at their day care providers home, we went to the hospital. Upon arriving, one of Nolan's teammates and his mom (also pregnant) were walking in as well. Before Kelly saw a doctor, the asst. mgr. showed up at the ER herself since she was concerned and still had a really bad headache. The three ladies basically had blood drawn to determine the level of carbon monoxide in their systems and then were given oxygen for around 2 hours. The Dr. said the carbon monoxide levels were low (around where a smokers would be), but that the oxygen was a precaution to help break down the carbon monoxide faster than it normally would. Some others from the rink went to the other ER in town, but we do not know how bad their cases were. Hopefully everyone will be fine.

Until further notice, we heard the rink will be closed until the leak is found and fixed.

Ultrasound Pictures

Kelly had a screening test done on Tuesday which involved an "extra" ultrasound. Attached here are the images which she brought home on a CD. She also has a check-up with her Doctor this afternoon (Thursday).

Friday, January 19, 2007

Nolan's A Star!

Nolan had another great night at practice. The main coaches continue to comment how well he listens and how hard he works and hustles...especially since he just turned 5.
The Mite coordinator put Nolan on the Stars team (other 3 teams are the Blues, Red Wings and Avs), and gave him his jersey tonight. Since he moved up for just the last 2 1/2 months of the year...we think he ended up with a #1 jersey meant for a goalie (probably the last one they had for the Stars). So it is an Adult Small and will need to be shortened "a bit." No matter, he loves it and is VERY excited for next Wednesday to arrive so he can play in a game!

Monday, January 15, 2007


or No Deal?

Happy 3rd Birthday Barrett!!!

Today, Barrett shares his birthday with the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday (and bonus...Dad has an extra paid day off!!!).

Dad took Barrett to his 3 year well child visit this morning and he is doing great according to Dr. Gunville.

He is well on his way to challenging his Grandfathers for height, as he is 39 1/8" tall which is about the 90th percentile for his age. Both Grandpa's exceeded 6 feet in height, so Barrett may be towering over his Dad in a few years!

Happy Birthday "B"!!!!!

Movin' On Up

Last Monday, Nolan finished his second session of the USA Hockey Initiation Program and his coach again suggested that we move him up to the Tyke/Mite program. Tykes are basically kids born in 2000/2001 this season, with the Mites born in 1998/1999.

Nolan and his friend Jacob are the only two kids from the IP that have moved up to Tyke/Mites this month (others are moving up to Squirts since they are already older kids), but I think a few more will be moving up pretty soon.

He has been through two practices (last Thursday and Saturday morning) and is doing great, working very hard and having a lot of fun.

Here he is "patroling the blue line" and doing a snowplow stop in his first practice last Thursday.

The 5 to 8 year olds all practice together, broken into three groups based on how new they are to the program (there are about 50 kids in the program now!). They have practices on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, and games on Wednesday evenings at 630pm. The kids are assigned to a team which they play on, but again they all practice grouped together. Nolan will find out this coming Thursday which team he is on and get his jersey, which you can imagine how excited he is about that!

If you haven't yet heard...

We are expecting child #3 in early August!!!

Barrett's 1st Skating Lesson

Hello again after a few weeks without a post...

Last Sunday (7th), Barrett started Snowplow Sam I class in the Learn to Skate program at Centennial Ice Arena. He had a great time and thought it was so cool to be on the ice and see Nolan up in the stands (instead of the opposite)!

As a reminder, you can see the larger images by clicking on those in the post.

Update from week 2 of Barrett's lessons...he went across the ice three times without his bar and even stood up by himself without the bar after falling down!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy 2007 to you all.

Kelly, Nolan, Barrett and I spent the early evening at Buffalo Wild Wings watching our Broncos eliminate themselves from the NFL playoffs, but we still managed to have a fun time.

After we got home, we played several games, listened to some music and enjoyed the CNN New Year's coverage from New York City.

Barrett stayed awake until Central Time New Year's (with all the Texas family) and then hit the sack!

Kelly made it until around 1130pm when Nolan and I were into a mean game of checkers.

Nolan made it until well after midnight Mountain Time for the first time ever. He had a great time outside with me watching the amateur fireworks around the neighborhood and hearing all the "booms" reverberate off the rimrocks and down the valley. It was really quite a show, nearly as much as the 4th of July.

We plan to sleep in a bit and enjoy the holiday Monday. Hopefully the bowl games are exciting and the shrimp in the fridge are delicious.

Happy Holidays again from the Big Sky State and may we all have a great and safe 2007!!!!!