Monday, April 30, 2007

Home Owners, Part Deux

We're in our house! We closed this morning and spent the day doing a bit of cleaning, screen door track repair, etc.

Reba (our dog) has now moved over to her new yard, but Rikki (the cat) will hold out in the hotel for at least another day.

The movers are set to deliver our goods May 1st (tomorrow) so we can start the unpacking.

Tuesday we will also welcome Grandma Carpenter to Cheyenne, and we are all looking forward to visiting and unpacking with her.

Hope to have more pics to post soon of a house filled with boxes!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

More Pics from Cheyenne

We've had another nice week here in Wyoming. It was busy at times, but our work continues to lead up to getting rid of our "homeless" title early this week!

Above is a picture of the boys at Nolan's "kindergarten roundup" event at Bain Elementary. The staff assess the children's readiness for Kindergarten in the fall, and they gave Nolan a big "thumbs up" (just like when he did an assessment 12-18 months ago in Billings).

Lowe's had a special kids workshop Saturday morning where we built some squirrel feeders.

Listening to a bit of the NFL draft on Fox Sports Radio wasting a little time in the Hyundai before lunch after Lowe's on Saturday

After lunch Saturday, we spent some more time at the "green park" near our new house and I especially liked this picture of "B" on the playground.

Nolan at the "green park" on Saturday too! He is getting really close to being able to cross the monkey bars (or rings).
My new job is going quite well, with a WHOLE LOT of training going on right now. A much different environment exists here compared to NWS Billings...certainly not all bad...but I'm trying to overcome the bit of culture shock.
We get to do a final walk through in our house Sunday afternoon, and hope to be posting pictures of us in our new home after the April 30th closing!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday in Sidney, Nebraska

We took a drive today into the Nebraska panhandle to see some of the forecast area covered by my new office.

Ended up eating lunch in Sidney, NE and then had to make a visit to Cabela's. The picture above is in the very large store there where they have a waterfall and several species on display (taxidermy of course). Definitely a fun place to stop with lots and lots of fun toys available.

Pictures from the past few days.

Above are a few shots Kelly took during their laundry adventure this week!

Nolan on Saturday at Lions Park having fun trying to figure out the labrynth.

Barrett on Saturday at Lions Park by the steam locomotive on display.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Boys New Room

Kelly, Nolan, Barrett and our realtor went over to what will soon be our new house to make some measurements on Wednesday. Here are just a few pictures from the boys new room.

An evening in northern Colorado

On Wednesday, we took an evening trip down to Loveland, Colorado to get our fix of "On the Border" food. We also had to have some jewelry items checked out for warrantee purposes at the new mall area in Loveland, and the picture above is at the mall in a little area with some rocks and concrete animal forms the kids can climb on. And YES that is front range convection/thunderstorm in the background moving over Cheyenne while we were down in Colorado. We DID get to see a great lightning display while returning north to Wyoming though! The best news, this shopping/dining area is only about 45 minutes from our new home!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Long and Short of it...

Interesting 3 days...

Our last night in Billings (Thursday night) was extremely long as both boys had a stomach bug or reaction to bad milk at the hotel or food at a local restaurant...but thankfully the overnight manager was great about helping us out with the messes. Kelly has also been fighting off a similar bug the last 24 hours.

We did get on the road a little late Friday morning, but after a short nap stop at the Kaycee, WY rest area we made it into Cheyenne in the early evening. Along the way, our Billings realtor was in contact with us for negotiations with our proposed buyer. They want us to put a new roof on the place, even after already coming down $4900 on the price of the house. Should be interesting to see how they react to our reply. More to come on this, we are sure.
We're at the LaQuinta on W. Lincolnway in Cheyenne in case anyone is passing through sometime in the next several days.

Our inspection for our new home in Cheyenne went fairly well Friday, with a gas leak at the gas water heater the main concern. The photos in the report make it look like something that the seller can get fixed pretty easily, so we are hopeful of that. We will meet with our realtor this afternoon (Saturday) to go over the report in detail and hopefully there is not anything else critical that will impede that end of our move.
The boys and I are off to Lowe's this morning for our first kids project here in Cheyenne.
Here are some pictures from the past few days...

Our living room full of boxes during Wed. loading.

Another snowy April day for moving in Billings.

Reba making sure her bone does not get loaded into the truck!

The boys saying good-bye Wednesday to Glenna (our day care provider the past 5 years).

The boys Thursday morning in the new Best Western in Billings.

Kelly, Nolan and Barrett surprised me by showing up for pizza and cake on my last day of work (Thursday) with the rest of the staff. This was the cake that Vickie ordered for the occasion.
Nolan and Barrett watching some cartoons at one of our LaQuinta rooms in Cheyenne (Saturday morning).

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

We hope you had a great Easter Sunday. We had a good morning of egg hunting and church before we got back to preparing our home for the arrival of the packing crew Monday morning.

We hope to be able to have our home sale progressing Monday, with just the inspection remaining mid-week if we can get all the offer paperwork arranged with the buyer and 3rd party folks.

Here are some pictures from our Easter Sunday. Click each photo to enlarge.

PCS Party

Thanks very much to Scott's coworkers and friends from the HAM Radio Community for a very enjoyable going away party at Buffalo Wild Wings on Monday, April 2nd. We thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to visit with you all before we depart.

Dora, Tally and Nolan saying good-bye.
The kids also had a great visit as you can see here.

Monday, April 02, 2007

We Found A House

April 2nd was a day we will remember for awhile...

First, we found out from Kelly's ultrasound this morning that we are definitely having another Boy in early August!

Second, after a very quick trip to Cheyenne over the weekend (including a creative route to avoid highways closed by a massive spring snowstorm) we put an offer on a home Sunday. At about 445pm Monday afternoon we heard back from our realtor that the seller accepted our offer. Basically a little below list price and stating we could close by April 30th!

Included here are a few of the pictures from the listing. We were not all that interested in this house just from the internet, but actually walking through it with a better sense of depth and height we really loved it! I'll take some new pictures when we move in that better represent the home and post them then. We need to get rid of some more of our storage type stuff but we have some time this week to work on that!

Remember you can click on the photos to see bigger versions.

We have a few folks starting to show some more interest in our Billings home too, so we are hopeful that there is some progress on this end soon too!