Friday, December 26, 2008

December 25, 2008: A few pics from Christmas

Nolan and Barrett checking out what Santa brought them this year!

Travis doing the same!

Scott getting caught up on seasons of Scrubs!

Barrett and Nolan. All the boys received Vancouver Canucks jerseys because they sport a "C" on the front that melds into an Orca (Killer Whale). This way they can be team Carpenter when they are playing in the driveway or knee-hockey in the house!

Kelly opening up the Wii Fit.

Are these two Carpenters or what? If you click on the picture to enlarge, you'll see that they are playing cards Christmas evening. I'll have to start teaching them to play Michigan Rummy soon!

December 18, 2008: Happy Birthday Kelly!

Happy Birthday Kelly!

December 18, 2008: Nolan's Pioneer Park Elementary Christmas Concert

Nolan and all of the first graders from Pioneer Park Elementary sang a few songs at their Christmas concert early Thursday. During the song "Christmas, Christmas time is near," Nolan even had a brief solo singing Alvin the Chipmunk's "me, I want a hool-a-hoop" portion of the song.

December 17, 2008: Barrett's Pre-School Christmas Concert

Barrett fought his on-going cough through his pre-school's Christmas Concert last Wed. and did a wonderful job singing and acting as Santa for the singing of S-A-N-T-A (to the tune of bingo)!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from The Carpenters

Hopefully this holiday greeting finds you all happy and healthy.
Our year started with several hockey weekends around Wyoming and Colorado, with Nolan getting to finish his second year of hockey, and his first here in Cheyenne. Barrett started his first year of mini-mites and got to play in a few games at our Cheyenne Jamboree in February and had a great time. In March, Barrett played with Nolan at a Billings tournament. It was pretty overwhelming competition for him, but he did touch the puck a few times and had an absolute blast earning his first trophy! We all had a great MT visit, spending time with many friends during the brief times we were not at the ice rink.

We’ve continued to enjoy our proximity to Rocky Mtn NP and Estes Park for numerous day trips, which this year included a few with family and friends. We also continue to love being just 1 ½ hrs from Denver for Rockies and Avs games. In April, we met friends there for the Frozen Four weekend festivities. Scott also met friends for the Avs vs. Red Wings game in mid-February, and enjoyed the Red Wings 4-0 win!!!

Over the summer, we enjoyed visits from friends and family during Cheyenne Frontier Days. We continue to greatly enjoy this western celebration and this year was extra special. After a weekend of Rascal Flatts concerts (Kelly went twice, once with Scott and once with the older boys), Nolan even tried muttonbustin’ (sheep riding)! He did so well that not only did he win, but his ride was also shown on Good Morning America the following Sunday during a nice story about CFD (Thanks so much to Julie Rees for noticing this on tv, or we may have never known!). Nolan won a buckle, a trophy and a new pair of Justin boots for his efforts. As it turns out, the GMA video story also had a split-second of our family and Kelly’s parents watching one of the CFD parades! He even tried mutton bustin’ again at the County Fair a few weeks later, and Barrett was also part of the stick-horse barrel racing competition at the Fair! Please let us know if you would like to visit during Frontier Days for the rodeos, concerts, or our favorite part when the USAF Thunderbirds are performing right over our house! We would love to have you!


Travis is continuing to develop very well. He is not quite walking yet and talking some, but he is learning a lot being the youngest of 3 boys. He continues to be content spending a lot of time at the ice rink, with several other parents there referring to him as “the team baby.” We can’t imagine it will be long after he starts walking before he is trying to keep up skating (Kelly already bought him some tiny skates!). Travis will get tubes in his ears and adenoids removed Dec. 23rd, but he will feel much better and hopefully be done with his recurring ear infections from the past year.
We recently confirmed that he has Neurofibromatosis 1 so he’ll be monitored for that. It does not affect him or need any treatment, but instead is just good to know in case any significant symptoms may show up later in life.

Barrett’s biggest accomplishments this year have been starting pre-school 3 mornings a week, and learning a ton at several sessions of swimming lessons. Now almost 5 years old, he is really swimming well and does not need a float belt anymore! Barrett was very excited to be able to beat Nolan in several swimming races during one of our recent hotel stays! After his 1st morning of preschool, Kelly surprised him with a quick trip down to Denver for some quality time with just Mom and an afternoon Rockies game! He will turn 5 in January and will start Kindergarten in fall 2009. Barrett also continued playing hockey in the fall and has been learning a lot.
Barrett also “graduated” from his vision therapy in March! He still has his glasses, but his hard work with Dr. Cotton and at home has really improved his vision and the world has opened up before him!

Nolan just turned 7 and started 1st grade in the Trailblazer program in the fall, and is continuing to do a great job at school. He continues to be very active in addition to school, hockey and his Frontier Days fun, with this year’s activities also including music/piano classes, Sunday School, baseball, and a couple sessions of swimming lessons. Hockey is where his heart is though, and he spent a week in Denver over the summer at hockey camp at the Univ of Denver. He made the team of top skilled group of 8 and Under kids in the fall. Almost all of the kids on his team are 8, and Nolan is the youngest on the team by 8 months! This means he has to work extra hard to keep up, but he is doing great and learning a lot now that the kids are playing full-ice games. Instead of getting presents from his friends at his “golden birthday” (turning 7 on the 7th) party, he decided to donate money to help the sea otters at Monterey Bay Aquarium. Kelly created a great party with one of her signature cakes for the occasion and the kids had a great time!

We will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary on December 30th, and thanks to Kelly’s parents babysitting in late October we were able to take a week long trip to northern California to celebrate. While there we saw Jimmy Buffett in concert for the first time, spent time driving along the beautiful coast, including an afternoon in Monterey, and even a day in wine country for some tasting room visits. On our final day, we toured the Jelly Belly factory before spending another day driving along the coast. We realized how much we miss the Pacific !

Kelly’s year has been filled with “hockey mom” fun and frustration (mostly fun). She even drove through some wicked winter weather to get Nolan and friends home from a jamboree in Pueblo, CO.
She had surgery in April, but recovered very quickly and now thankfully does not have to deal with the recurring excruciating pains that have affected her for the past several years. Her quality of life has increased significantly this year, and we are very thankful for that.
The boys continue to keep her very busy with activities and just day to day life with Scott’s rotating work schedule keeping us all on our toes.
Kelly took a few belly-dancing classes taught by one of our friends this year.
She has been extra busy this fall taking on the role of managing two of our 8 and under hockey teams, and helping with numerous other hockey-related issues.

Scott continues to work for the National Weather Service here in Cheyenne. It continues to be a challenge, but is also a great learning experience. He was chosen to be the new Incident Meteorologist (IMET) for the Cheyenne office which will bring potential dispatches to wildfire camps, or hazardous materials incidents to provide weather support.
Scott has increased his involvement with the local hockey association. He was elected to the board of directors in the spring, and continues to also run the web-site for the association. In addition, he was asked to be the overall coordinator of our 8 and under hockey division, and helps coach three of the four skill levels in the 8 and under when his job allows. Friends through coaching convinced him to try to play “Old Puckers” hockey on Sunday evenings, which is great exercise and a lot of fun with the players ranging from senior citizens to high school kids.
Although he and Nolan did not reach their goal of hiking Flattop Mtn in RMNP this summer, the family did enjoy numerous hkes in CO and WY. Next year, Flattop Mtn!
Other than that, he is trying to figure out why more people did not vote for him for President, now that he is eligible!
We’ll be along the Front Range for the holidays, and Scott will finish up a set of midnight shifts Christmas morning. We plan to head to the mountains with friends for a snow-shoeing adventure before school starts up again. 2009 will continue to be very active with kids activities, Travis becoming more mobile, much training for Scott as he takes on the IMET duties, and Barrett starting Kindergarten in the fall.
We wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2009!

Monday, December 08, 2008

December 6, 2008: Nolan's Golden Birthday Party

Nolan turned 7 on the 7th of December this year, but due to hockey commitments he hosted his party on the 6th. Nolan decided that in lieu of presents this year he would like to raise money for his favorite animal, the sea otters. He chose to support the sea otters at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California since he can watch those otters on the live webcams at The party included a sea animal word search as the kids arrived, sea animal bingo, "clam sandwiches" for lunch (made from sliced dinner rolls to look like clams-a favorite food of sea otters), a fun game of pictionary with mainly birthday and ocean related topics to draw, and of course one of Kelly's great birthday cake designs! Here are a few pictures from the festivities, starting with the cake!
Sea Animal Bingo!
Dad serving lunch at the "Clam Buffett"
Pictionary and Air Hockey!

Cake and cards!

Thanksgiving 2008

Scott had to work Thanksgiving evening at "the bureau" so we enjoyed an early afternoon dinner in Cheyenne. On Friday, Scott, Nolan and Barrett watched "Kung Fu Panda" at a free showing put on by our realtor's company each year (and Kelly even hit a 5 am sale!!!). Then in the afternoon, we loaded up and headed up to our traditional evening in Estes Park for the Holiday Light Parade. We joined the masses who headed up the hill from Denver for the evening and once again the great people of Estes did not disappoint.

We then headed down the mountain and spent the night in Westminster. Saturday morning, we stopped to watch one of our Cheyenne hockey teams play Boulder in a tournament and then headed up the mountain to Evergreen for our family holiday dinner at cousin Tammy's house.

Jack, Tom, Marcus, Kelly, Nolan, Barrett and I then ran back down the mountain to watch DU play Air Force in hockey. Aunt Darlene was nice enough to babysit Travis. The game was great, and the boys got to see the last of their old Billings Bulls junior players play for the Air Force team. Sunday morning, we got rolling pretty early to get back up to Cheyenne in time for hockey practice in the afternoon.

It was a great weekend, and we continue to be so thankful to have family nearby and to be so close to the mountains that we can go up and down them several times in a few days.

November 23, 2008: Barrett's Scrimmage Against Greeley, CO

Greeley, Colorado has less than 10 kids in their 8 and Under hockey program this year, so we've been on a mission with them to find their group the right competition here in Cheyenne. On November 23rd, the Greeley kids came up the US85 and played our B and A kids (they tried playing our D kids-Nolan's team-early in the year, but our D was much too good for them). Barrett plays (and Scott coaches) for our A team, which is mostly 5 year olds, and the Greeley kids were quite a bit better than our A kids. But Barrett and his teammates had a good time actually getting to play a game. Barrett is in blue in the middle of the first picture with the yellow pullover. And in the 2nd picture, he is racing to a puck.

November 20, 2008: Nolan and Scott's Scout Cake

Nolan and Scott had to make a cake together for the Tiger Cubs Cake Walk event. Since we basically ran out of time, Nolan added the "music themed" decorations and did a great job creating music notes from chocolate chips!

November 15-16, 2008: Nolan's U8 Jamboree at the Univ. of Denver

The Cheyenne Capitals D team went down to play at the November C Jamboree at the University of Denver and had a great time. The parents and folks in Denver agreed that our Cheyenne kids are ready to try playing similar aged kids at the D level in Colorado. They'll get their first try at Littleton's Catch an Edge tournament in January on FULL ICE!

Nolan (#21) played mostly defense, but was moved up to forward for a few shifts, was aggressive, made some smart good passes, and even scored a couple of goals. Not bad for the youngest kid on the team by 8 months!

November 11, 2008: Get the Kitty!

We haven't been very good about posting pictures of Travis for awhile, but here is playing with Rikki 10 days before his 16 month birthday.

November 9, 2008: Nolan's 1st Piano Recital!

Nolan had his first piano recital on Sunday, November 9th at the Laramie County Library (by the way, this is the 2008 National Library of the Year!!!!!)
He did a great job playing a song written by Cheyenne Frontier Days cowboys saying good-bye to an old great buckin' horse after it was retired. The song is called, "Goodbye Ole Pat."

Sunday, November 02, 2008

October 31st, 2008: Halloween 2008

Happy Halloween from Wyoming!

Here are the boys in costume on the front porch.

Nolan was a sea otter, with kelp and even a clam to eat. Kelly created his costume starting out with a bear costume.

Barrett was his teddy bear, "Nac." Kelly also created this costume for Barrett.
Travis really liked his Tiger costume. This was a costume originally created were Barrett.

And finally, here is our jack-0-lantern as designed by Nolan.