Monday, September 22, 2008

September 21, 2008: Travis is 14 months old!

The last 2 pictures were actually on Sept.9th.

September 20, 2008: Fall Colors (Aspen) and Fun!

Although our friends who were scheduled to go to Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park Saturday had some emergencies and could not go, we decided to still head up "the hill" and enjoy some time in Estes and the National Park. Kelly noticed that Old Fall River Road was open so we had our picnic lunch and drove up the one-way 9 mile road up to Milner Pass. The following Aspen colors were seen on the drive up Old Fall River Road. It was beautiful!

When we got to the top at Trail Ridge Store, the light rain had turned to snow so Nolan thought it was pretty funny that he had shorts on (it was almost 70 degrees down in Estes Park). We wandered through the store as usual, and saw where the interior renovations were already underway. Xanterra is going to close the store on Sept. 24th this year (a few weeks earlier than normal) to finish the interior renovations project.
After heading back down to Estes, we called up our old friends from the Methodist Church in Estes, Clint and Fran, and headed over to their condo for a little visit. It was great to visit with them again and show them how much the boys have grown in the past year.
We then decided to head back down "the hill" and head to Fort Collins for dinner. Chelsea, one of Scott's cousins, is a freshman at Colorado State University this fall and we were able to catch up with her and take her out to dinner. It was great to see Chelsea and Nolan and Barrett thought it was pretty cool to see a real "college apartment" when Chelsea showed us her dorm room.
This was a great day filled with fun, and we still rolled into our driveway at only 9 pm! Wow! We love it here!

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 3, 2008: Barrett's 1st Day of Pre-School

Although Barrett did go to some summer sessions, this was his official 1st day of pre-school.

We surprised him after pre-school by letting him know that he was going to the afternoon Rockies game against the Giants with Mom. He was really excited to hear that and had a great time even though the Rockies lost big again. Thanks to Carl from Scott's work for letting us have his tickets for this day.