Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007: Denver Zoo and Casa Bonita!

After dropping Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter off at the airport, we decided to check out the Denver Zoo. The Zoo is great and we had a great visit there and plan to return as often as possible.

As we left the zoo, I remembered that we have been wanting to visit Casa Bonita so we headed over there and had a fun dinner. Nolan especially expressed that he had a great time at the zoo and dinner (the restaurant has a mariachi band and on-going shows including divers on their 30+ foot indoor waterfall!), and Barrett later said he had fun too even with the loud cap-gun noises which were part of the shows. Nolan even braved Black Bart's (the pirate) haunted treasure cave!

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007: More Fun During Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter's Visit

The boys on our front porch with some Autumn Decorations.
Another nice picture with the Grandparents from Michigan.
Grandpa and Travis having a conversation.
Barrett helped Mom and Grandma replant some
On Tuesday we went over to the YMCA after Nolan got out of school for a swim. The following are a few pictures at the Y.
And finally, a picture with Grandma and Grandpa at DIA before they departed.

Friday, September 21, 2007

September 15th, 2007: A Day Trip to Steamboat Springs

We decided to take advantage of Nolan being off of school on Saturday and head to the mountains for the day. We debated where to go and decided to test the theory that Steamboat is only about 3 hours from Cheyenne. Thankfully, the rumors are true!
The first two pictures below are of the "older" boys and Grandma while we were at our lunch stop and feeding point for Travis in Walden, CO.

After we arrived in Steamboat, we went to this park on the far end of town and saw a few of the natural springs there. We had to get som photos in front of the huge elk statue too, of course.

From downtown Steamboat, this is the view of Mt. Werner (where the actual Steamboat ski area is located) in mid-September.
After a huge peanut butter cup at a local ice cream store, here is Barrett's mess. He somehow almost kept his shirt chocolate-free! How? We are not sure.

Both boys wanted to get up on the pretend horse downtown.

This is another photo of Mt. Werner from the other end of town.
After wandering around downtown, we headed back up to the base of the ski area to check out some of the changes since my parents had come here to ski in 1984 and 1989. One spot that was still here was the Tugboat Saloon where we had a lot of meals during our ski trips long ago. It turns out that the Tugboat will be going away next year as its building will be destroyed to bring in EVEN MORE condos and retail space. Rumors are flying that the Tugboat may be recreated in the new building, but whether or not they can recreate the atmosphere will remain a question.
We rolled out of Steamboat at about 7 pm and were back home in Cheyenne by shortly after 10 pm. This was a great day trip and nice to be able to give Mom and Dad some time sightseeing in the mountains.

September 14th, 2007: Time With Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter

Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter spent 9 days with us in September and we had a great visit. Kelly and Mom created a new curtain for our dining room door-wall and below are the before and after pictures of their project. It looks great!
Grandma and Travis having a conversation.

Grandpa had a good time playing some back yard soccer.

September 6th, 2007: The boys

September 2nd, 2007: Snowy Range

We decided to head west into the Snowy Range on this Sunday afternoon following church.
Travis playing in his barn mat.
This is Medicine Bow Peak (a little over 12k ft) in the Snowy Range of the Medicine Bow Mountains. We had our first good batch of cold air heading south a few days after this, so I wanted to get a better feel for how these mountains looked west of Laramie.
At the summit, we stopped at this little observation area to enjoy the view.
Here is Barrett up on the observation tower.
Barrett and Nolan looking back to the north at the higher peaks north of the observation tower.
Just another shot looking up above tree-line.
Barrett and Nolan at the outlet of Brooklyn Lake.
Brooklyn Lake in the Medicine Bow National Forest.

August 31st, 2007: We have ice!

Taco Johns Events Center here in Cheyenne opened up at the end of August and we made it over there on Friday night for the first open skate of the year. We had a great time, and Kelly even got to try her new skates out!

Barrett thought the "flag ribbon" in the ice was pretty neat.

Just another shot of "B."

Playing tag with Nolan and one of his new friends.

Nolan enjoying skating in the Events Center for the first time!

August 29th, 2007: More 1st Day of School Pics

Barrett and Travis waiting for big brother Nolan to leave school on his first day.

Nolan leaving school after his first day.

Nolan and Mrs. Schaefer.

Travis hanging out on Nolan's bed with the bears.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

UPDATED!!!! Should Work Now! Video From Travis' First Day

Finally figured out how to upload a larger video via to show everyone (thanks to Cheryl for passing this on to us). Check out this 10 minute video from Travis' first day!