Friday, December 28, 2007

December 28, 2007: Travis Tried Applesauce Today!

Kelly decided to have Travis try some applesauce tonight, and he liked it. In a few days, he'll get to try bananas too!

Christmas 2007: A few pictures

Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday Letter-Year In Review 2007

Christmas Eve Family Picture 2007

Merry Christmas "The Ranch House Way"
With Love, The Carpenters
Although many of you may also see a card from us this Christmas too, we thought we would save a few trees and post the letter greeting on the blog. We'll reserve most of the hard copies for those who may not have Internet yet. If you are checking the blog, you already know most of this anyways, but we hope you enjoy the update none the less...

A little horse play getting the holiday
picture the "Ranch House Way." And
yes, that is a tumbleweed with
Christmas lights!

We hope that this news finds you happy and healthy and grateful for all of God’s blessings. Please call and/or stop by the “ranch house” if you ever find yourself in southeast Wyoming or the Denver, Colorado area. We would love to visit! Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2008!

Our most exciting news this year is with all the fan-fare of the USAF Thunderbirds and Cheyenne Frontier Days, we welcomed Travis Walter into our family early July 21st. “T-bone” is a wonderful addition to our family and is adjusting well to life with two big brothers.
Probably should back-track a bit and describe why Travis was born in Cheyenne. In February, we received news that Scott had been selected for a promotion to Senior Forecaster. With little chance for moving up in the near future in Billings, the search had turned to other attractive offices across the country. After three previous tries for Cheyenne, the fourth time was a charm so we began to make plans for the move south (and up about 3000 feet in elevation). We were definitely saddened to have left Billings and so many great friends and co-workers there, but have already enjoyed several visits with Montana folks during their trips down to Denver and points beyond.
Great blessings have been heaped upon us in Cheyenne, and it is a wonderful place to call home. We have tried to also take advantage of all that northern Colorado and the greater Denver area offers only 60-90 minutes away from our garage (which wonderfully fits both of our cars and provides nice storage). Kelly quickly found a good doctor, we have great neighbors, we found a great church, and Scott’s boss and co-workers have been a wonderful help during our time of transition.

Nolan spent the summer counting down the days to when he would start kindergarten in the fall. Our next-door neighbor, who is a 2nd grade teacher in Cheyenne watched him one afternoon and recommended that we have him tested for entry into the Trailblazer program, which is a gifted and talented program here in Cheyenne. He was accepted and we accepted the idea of taking him across town to Pioneer Park Elementary for school. Ironically, Nolan’s
teacher, Mrs. Schaefer, lives just two doors down from us! Nolan loves school and still dislikes weekends since he can’t go to school. He has made a lot of friends, and we have become friends with quite a few parents too.

Barrett started learn to skate in January around the time he turned 3, and passed right through Snowplow Sam 1. He also did great with his first try at Snowplow Sam 2 before the move. He really is learning well, especially when you consider Nolan started skating lessons at 4 years old.
Nolan graduated from the IP to Mini-Mites in January too, which meant he was playing with kids ranging from 5 to 8 years old since the Mini-Mites and Mites skated together in Billings. Trying to keep up with the older kids was great for his learning and he progressed nicely through the rest of the season. He was able to play with just the 5-6 year olds in tournaments in Helena and Billings. The kids from Billings did a great job and had a ton of fun in both tournaments. We don’t keep score, but you can ask any of the kids what the scores were and they will gladly tell you!
Nolan also played one session of tee-ball this summer through the YMCA, and he enjoyed that too.
We jumped right into the hockey scene here in Cheyenne this summer, with Scott attending coaches meetings to see where he could help out. Without summer ice in town, we also made a few trips to public skating at the rink in Windsor, CO.
Nolan is continuing to learn and work hard with the Mini-Mites here, and has even been asked to play up with the Mites for a few games this season.
Barrett wants to start with the Mini-Mites in January after he turns 4. He has been skating with his pads on at stick & puck sessions and is having a lot of fun with that.
Scott is continuing to help coach and has taken on the webmaster duties for the association.

Kelly is enjoying learning about the challenges of life in a house with 4 males. She remains thankful that Rikki (the cat) and Reba (the dog) offer at least a little female company. She has also embraced her expanding role as an official “Hockey Mom” and is not afraid to express herself about related issues.
Kelly started the year successfully teaching Geometry at a home-school co-op in Billings. We were disappointed to have to leave mid-semester, but her students and their parents were grateful for all the great instruction she had already provided.
In addition to several sewing projects around the house, making pillows, curtains, etc. she has also continued her cross-stitching projects this year. She also helped out our church during Cheyenne Frontier Days by providing several of her famous Pecan Pies for the church’s lunches which are served after each of the 4 parades during the week.
She remains busy keeping up with the boys activities, volunteering in Nolan’s classroom, and keeping the house and our lives under control while Scott’s work schedule continues to keep us all on our toes and not sure what day of the week it actually is.
We enjoyed visits with all the grandparents this summer and fall, and Grandma Carpenter was able to come out and help us get settled in early May. She and Kelly continued to practice their interior decorating skills and our house has turned out great!
Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter visited in September and we had a great day trip to Steamboat Springs, CO while they were here.
Grandma and Grandpa Findeisen were here in October for a great visit, so we were able to also show them around the new home-town.
Scott’s Mom had another cancer battle this fall, but thankfully was blessed with another successful surgery. Her recovery ability is amazing, and she is well on her way to getting back to her active self again. Scott went to Michigan in early November for a week to help them out around the house and hopefully also provided some moral support.
Great-Grandma Carpenter turned 103 this year, and Great-Grandma Long is 86, so we continue to be very thankful to have them in our lives.
· December 2006: Nolan had his tonsils and adenoids removed.
· January: Nolan moved up to mini-mites.
· January: Barrett turned 3 and started “Learn to Skate.”
· February: Nolan plays in his 1st hockey tournament in Helena for the Billings Jr. Bulls.
· Late February: Scott offered promotion to Sr. Forecaster in Cheyenne Wyoming.
· March: Nolan lost his first tooth.
· March/April: Sold 1 house, bought another.
· April 13th: Moved to Wyoming.
· April 30th: Closed on our new house.
· June: Barrett acquired his cool glasses.
· June: Nolan started t-ball.
· July 21st: Travis was born.
· August 29th: Nolan started Kindergarten.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
The Carpenters
4702 Ranch House Way
Cheyenne, WY 82001

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thank Goodness...

After at least 7 1/2 hours sitting in City Council Chambers this week, we can officially say that the City of Cheyenne trade of land for the Taco Johns Events Center has been voted for in the affirmative. We are absolutely delighted with this outcome since it offers significant stability for the ice arena since the private investors were not able to make money on the ownership of the rink. With the cheaper city insurance, no property taxes, no utility expense, and no management contract to the tune of 50k/year, we are personally confident that this facility will actually make a small amount of money for the city of Cheyenne each year! And what a great civics lesson for those kids age 4 to 18 who were able to attend. The vote passed the council 7 to 2, and we are ever so thankful to our Ward III council-men/woman who voted in favor of the acquisition. If you know us, you know that having ice available is an amenity that makes Cheyenne an extra special place to live!

Happy Holidays!
The Carpenters

Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10th, 2007: Nolan's Hawaii Presentation

Click on the above movie to view Nolan's presentation to his class on Monday about Hawaiian culture and holidays. His Kindergarten class started giving their presentations today, and Nolan was first to go. Please turn the volume on your computer up a lot to best be able to hear Nolan.

December 7-9, 2007: Casper Mini-Mite Jamboree

Nolan and his Mini-Mite teammates headed up to Casper for a Jamboree (tournament) December 8th and 9th. We drove up on the evening of Nolan's birthday, December 7th in a developing winter storm situation. It turned out that the drive was only partially bad, but the inclement weather caused several people to call-off the weekend trip. As a result, Nolan's team had just 6 players (of 10) for the weekend, and the other Cheyenne team ended up with just 5 (of 11). The kids did great throughout the weekend, playing without many breaks and having a great time playing against 4 Casper Mini-Mite teams.

Nolan (#21) getting ready to pick up the puck and skate it back toward the offensive zone.

Nolan (left, with the puck) and Christian attacking.

Scott (Coach Carp), Nolan and Barrett hanging out at the very nice Casper Ice Arena between our afternoon and evening games on Saturday.

Nolan (with the puck) during the game against Casper Orange, one of the better teams we played all weekend.

After our evening games, most of both of the Cheyenne Mini-Mite teams headed over to the Hometown Buffett at the Casper Mall for a "team dinner." Kelly brought a cake for Nolan's birthday since he wanted to celebrate his birthday one day late with his teammates. We had a great dinner and the kids seemed to have a nice time too!

A hockey helmet and candles on pucks...oh my!

Nolan said he wanted all his friends around to help blow out the candles since they had worked so hard in their games earlier in the day. Nice guy!

Nolan enjoying his cake as an official SIX YEAR OLD!!!!

December 6th, 2007: Presents a few hours early!

Since we were leaving for the Casper Mini-Mite Jamboree right after school on Nolan's birthday, December 7th, we decided he could open up most of his presents on Thursday, December 6th.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

December 2, 2007: Cheyenne Mites vs. Greeley

Nolan and a few other mini-mites were invited up to play with the Mites (Ages 7-8) in a game against the Greeley, CO Mites on Sunday morning, December 2nd. Nolan had a great time getting to skate with the bigger kids (like he did in Billings last year). The Greeley kids were superior and really showed off some skills, but our mini-mites still really had fun getting into a game situation.