Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy 104th Grandma Carpenter!!!!

Below is an announcement from the Rockford Squire newspaper in Rockford, Michigan highlighting Grandmother Carpenter's 104th birthday on Tuesday, March 25, 2008.

We had a great Easter Sunday today, as Grandma was at Scott's parents house for dinner and birthday cake in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My Dad remembered that we could do a video chat using our webcams. So, Great-Grandma was able to see Travis "live" for the first time, and how big Nolan and Barrett have grown too! According to my Dad, she was "amazed" at being able to talk to us in Wyoming over the computer, and see us too! Our family often thinks about all the technological advances that Grandma has lived to see, and that amazes us too!

Enjoy the excerpt from her local paper...

"Happy birthday for the 104th time!
Mary Carpenter, lifelong resident of Rockford, will celebrate her 104th birthday on Tuesday, March 25! Wouldn't it be nice for Squire readers to celebrate with her by engulfing her with birthday cards on her very special day? Mary's address is Bishop Hills, 4951 Eleven Mile Road, #28, Rockford MI, 49341.
Happy, happy birthday Mary" from your friends at The Rockford Squire, Rockford's original hometown newspaper, that in your earlier years you will recall as the Rockford Register."

Monday, March 03, 2008

February 23rd, 2008: Travis and Nolan Pictures

I finally took some time to shoot some pictures of Travis and Nolan to go along with the ones posted of Barrett in late January.

Essentially, these were supposed to be Travis' 6 month pictures but instead have become his 7 month pictures.

And although Nolan had school pictures this year, we still were going to take his 6 year pictures, but again these ended up being his 6 years and almost 3 month pictures!

And finally we convinced Barrett to sit in on a few attempts at a picture of all three boys together. As you can see, we actually had some success.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Some More Hockey Shots

Although we didn't get any video of this, the photographer at the Cheyenne Jamboree (back on Feb. 2nd) caught a neat sequence of pictures in which Nolan got a pass from his friend Joey (in goal) and skated down, split two Casper defense and scored a goal! He is #17.

The mini-mites had another great Jamboree weekend this past weekend (March 1-2) in Pueblo, CO!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

March 1st, 2008: Hyundai for Hyundai

We finally decided to make the move back to the mini-van since my Hyundai Elantra just would not fit all the boys car-seats (and the boys need to be 8 AND 80lbs in Wyoming before they can go without a booster!).

Kelly found a great deal on a Hyundai Entourage down in Colorado Springs a few weeks ago, and after sleeping off my second midnight shift during the last set we found a babysitter for Travis and headed off to the Springs to deal some automobiles. ;)

Everything worked out pretty well with the dealings with two different dealerships and we drove back to Wyoming in the mini-van just in time for me to go back to work for another midnight shift.

It is very nice now not to have to take the Suburban anytime we want to go anywhere. The boys have dubbed the mini-van as the "Elantr-age" since they can't quite remember which was which.