Sunday, July 05, 2009

July 4th, 2009: What a Month!

The posts have obviously been lacking over the past month, but will put a few pictures on here of what has been occurring.
The big news is our address has now changed to 2641 Devils Tower Rd, but our phone numbers have remained the same. We have moved to about 3 acres north of Cheyenne. The past month has been full of Scott's 36th birthday, hockey camp, moving, visitors, and baseball, baseball, baseball. It has been a blur, but lots and lots of fun and we are loving the open space and new home.
Barrett's last day of pre-school on May 20th. He starts Kindergarten in the fall!
Scott's 36th birthday!
Scott played hockey with some friends at a USA Hockey Adult Classic tournament in Denver the weekend after Memorial Day. It was a great time, even though we did not win any of our 3 games.
Team Cheyenne Buffalo!
A few days before school ended, Scott and Nolan went on the long awaited 1st grade field trip to the Denver Zoo. It was a beautiful day and a great visit to the zoo.

Nolan and his 1st Grade teacher, Mrs. Powers.

Nolan spent the week after school let out going to Windsor, CO for a hockey camp put on by several of the Colorado Eagles players.
5 kids from Cheyenne were at the camp for the week, and here Noah, Gannon and Nolan celebrated the end of the week after their orange team won the scrimmage during the final day of camp! The Cheyene kids did a great job all week!

Scott's parents came for a week-long visit in the middle of the month. Amongst a lot of packing for the move, we did have time for a nice Father's Day drive through the Snowy Range and some wide-open Wyoming country. Above, Kelly and Grandma work on another stone with the boys' hand prints.

Travis with Grandma and Grandpa during their June visit.

One of our Ranch House Way neighbors graciously let Travis borrow a mower to help him practice walking. He loves walking behind this toy and is really making progress toward walking and strengthening his legs.

Barrett wrapped up his first season of baseball with some exciting news, getting his first two swinging hits off the pitching machine before and during his last game! Barrett learned a lot as a member of the Lugnuts this year and had a great time too!

Our new home north of Cheyenne.

The 4th of July has amazingly come and gone already this summer! Nolan and Barrett decorated bikes with Dad on the 3rd and again rode in the Children's parade here in Cheyenne during the morning. Then we headed up to Estes Park for the day and met up with Kelly's friends from Dallas and their church group to enjoy the fireworks in the Estes Valley.
We are bummed that there will not be any mutton bustin' at Cheyenne Frontier Days this year, but still are anxiously awaiting the greatest 10 days of the year in Cheyenne! Kelly and the boys already have plans to visit our old street to watch the Thunderbirds airshow. Scott will be on midnight shifts for the first half of Frontier Days, but hopes to have some fun late during the week.
The very wet year in Cheyenne continues, with 12.73 inches of precip already this year, which is 4.3 inches above normal...and almost 7 inches ahead of this time last year! Needless to say, it is very, very green in southeast Wyoming this summer!
Sorry for the delay in posting, but hopefully y'all had a great 4th of July and the rest of the summer goes great!