Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Derby/Jungle Fires

On Wednesday 9/6/06, I and 3 co-workers were able to make a trip to the Derby Mtn Fire Complex and observe a burn-out designed to stop the westward progression of the fire. The frequency of helicopter traffic from where they picked up new loads of water or retardant was incredible. The best description of the experience was like being in an episode of "MASH."

This fire and its sister-fire, the Jungle Fire continue to burn today. In fact today, the Jungle Fire really erupted and reports are that it may have moved east enough to actually reach the burned out area of the Derby Mtn complex. We have had so much smoke from the Jungle moving over the Billings area today and on east into N. Dakota. This plume of smoke is actually producing showers of ash over at least the Columbus and Billings areas and presumably everywhere in between and points farther east.

Big cool down (and hopefully precipitation event) in store for Fri/Sat/Sun so we're all hoping this is a season ending event.


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