Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween and the Commander-In-Chief

Happy Halloween a few days late. I'm finally off of evening shifts and wanted to share some recent fun!! As many already know, Nolan decided to be a practice putting green (from a golf course) for Halloween and Kelly made him a cool costume. Kelly also did a great job creating the tiger costume for Barrett this year!!!

By Halloween morning...the pumpkins were mighty frozen so carving them was quite an adventure before my evening shift on Halloween night. We've been quite cold here this week if you had not noticed.

Our Republican Senator Conrad Burns is fighting to be re-elected this week, and is trailing badly enough in the polls that the RNC decided to drop the serious coin to bring President Bush out here on his behalf (Thanks to the McCain-Feingold Legislation, the political parties now have to foot the bill for these campaign trips--security, AF1 fuel/maintenance/crews/etc.--not our tax dollars anymore!! WooHoo!!). President Bush was here today (Thursday), but a day earlier the newspaper said that free tickets for the rally were available so I grabbed one up (Kelly has to teach and the boys go to day-care on Thursdays). The following is one of the better pictures I was able to capture from the floor of the MetraPark Arena where I watched the speech.
Our friend Taylor Brown (through Kelly's previous work at KTVQ) even spoke before "W" arrived, and he and his wife can be seen in the background of the photo above. Kelly went up to the airport after teaching to try to get a glimpse of Air Force One, and I found her there after the speech and we watch the President depart en route to Elko, Nevada for another campaign stop.

Kelly has her first tutoring student coming over tonight for some calculus fun, and I am back to work Friday night for 4 midnight shifts (Yippeee).

Hope your Halloween was great, and that you don't get any bothersome campaign phone calls in the next week!!


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