Monday, April 02, 2007

We Found A House

April 2nd was a day we will remember for awhile...

First, we found out from Kelly's ultrasound this morning that we are definitely having another Boy in early August!

Second, after a very quick trip to Cheyenne over the weekend (including a creative route to avoid highways closed by a massive spring snowstorm) we put an offer on a home Sunday. At about 445pm Monday afternoon we heard back from our realtor that the seller accepted our offer. Basically a little below list price and stating we could close by April 30th!

Included here are a few of the pictures from the listing. We were not all that interested in this house just from the internet, but actually walking through it with a better sense of depth and height we really loved it! I'll take some new pictures when we move in that better represent the home and post them then. We need to get rid of some more of our storage type stuff but we have some time this week to work on that!

Remember you can click on the photos to see bigger versions.

We have a few folks starting to show some more interest in our Billings home too, so we are hopeful that there is some progress on this end soon too!

1 comment:

darla said...

Congrats Carps!

Great news on the house. Another boy will make the "hand me down" thing much easier.
