Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Happy 34th Birthday to....ME!

Another great birthday today, and nice after a weekend of going through old stuff kept since I was a child. Kind of therapeutic really.

And Kelly discovered that season 5 of Scrubs was released...TODAY...so that tradition continues too! This DVD contains the great 100th episode (aka, the Wizard of Oz episode ending in IZ's rendition of "somewhere over the rainbow."

I also officially received my new wireless weather station today, so will start investigating where that can be placed around the yard.

Still no grass in our seeded back yard, but there is actual rain falling this evening so we'll see if we see some sprouts by the 14 day mark.

Back to celebrating!


Kurt said...

Happy Birthday Scott. I am jealous you have had a tornado already. However, we have had some big storms here too for May, esp the ones on Mothers Day. Quite impressive. Glad to hear the boys are adjusting and all. Tell Kelly hi too.

LetsGetFitRick said...

Happy B'Day. I can remember my 34th. It seems so long ago! HA!

Tell everyone I said HI!


Jim said...

Happy Belated Birthday Scott!

I bought Scrubs Season 2,3, and 5 for myself for your birthday.

Glad to hear your adapting to CYS...only 2 more weeks til I get to experience the fun