Saturday, March 01, 2008

March 1st, 2008: Hyundai for Hyundai

We finally decided to make the move back to the mini-van since my Hyundai Elantra just would not fit all the boys car-seats (and the boys need to be 8 AND 80lbs in Wyoming before they can go without a booster!).

Kelly found a great deal on a Hyundai Entourage down in Colorado Springs a few weeks ago, and after sleeping off my second midnight shift during the last set we found a babysitter for Travis and headed off to the Springs to deal some automobiles. ;)

Everything worked out pretty well with the dealings with two different dealerships and we drove back to Wyoming in the mini-van just in time for me to go back to work for another midnight shift.

It is very nice now not to have to take the Suburban anytime we want to go anywhere. The boys have dubbed the mini-van as the "Elantr-age" since they can't quite remember which was which.

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