Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10, 2008: Poppies 2008!!!!!







2008 (Runner-Up)

It was as though Travis knew the tradition that you had to be able to stand up to be in the "poppy picture," since he was not his usual "ham" for picture-taking. We decided to break from tradition anyways and let him join in the fun. And we also broke from tradition in getting the picture of the boys not standing.

Where did we find the Poppies this year? We actually saw them at the house where Barrett now attends pre-school, and had to call the owners to get permission to get these pictures today before another strong cold front rolls through and may end the good blooming!

For those who don't know the tradition, we had an area of our Billings' yard that each spring was filled with orange Poppies and at 1 1/2 years old we first photographed Nolan by the Poppies. Barrett also joined the pictures at almost 1 1/2 years old and on we went each spring. Last spring, we were very new to Cheyenne but found some Poppies along one of the main streets and used those. At least for the next few years, we'll have to continue asking to borrow the pre-school yard.

Hope you enjoyed this installation of a Carp Family Tradition.

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