Saturday, August 16, 2008

August 16th, 2008: Lotsa Rain!

3.5 inches of rain in our gage in the backyard from Thursday Evening until the clouds broke up late Saturday afternoon!!!!

At the end of July at our airport, we had 6.31 inches for the entire year (4.04 inches below normal!), but then:

August 1st: 0.0
August 2nd: T
August 3rd: 0.22
August 4th: T
August 5th: 2.02
August 6th: 0.40
August 7th: 0.00
August 8th: 0.16
August 9th: 0
August 10th: 0.36
August 11th: 0.05
August 12th: 0
August 13th: 0
August 14th: 0.32
August 15th: 2.07
August 16th: 0.85 through 6pm!

That is 6.45 inches for the month, ranking 3rd for Augusts all-time...
behind 6.64 in 1985 and 6.73 in 1930!!!!!

We're now more than 1 inch above normal for precipitation, with 12.76 inches of precipitation for the year!

What a difference a few weeks makes...

1 comment:

Jim said...

A weather post? That's kind of geeky isn't it? Glad you're getting all the rain. We've only have 0.40 in August.