Monday, December 08, 2008

December 6, 2008: Nolan's Golden Birthday Party

Nolan turned 7 on the 7th of December this year, but due to hockey commitments he hosted his party on the 6th. Nolan decided that in lieu of presents this year he would like to raise money for his favorite animal, the sea otters. He chose to support the sea otters at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California since he can watch those otters on the live webcams at The party included a sea animal word search as the kids arrived, sea animal bingo, "clam sandwiches" for lunch (made from sliced dinner rolls to look like clams-a favorite food of sea otters), a fun game of pictionary with mainly birthday and ocean related topics to draw, and of course one of Kelly's great birthday cake designs! Here are a few pictures from the festivities, starting with the cake!
Sea Animal Bingo!
Dad serving lunch at the "Clam Buffett"
Pictionary and Air Hockey!

Cake and cards!


Anonymous said...

What a great party! Nolan is getting so grown up, and handsome! I think it's wonderful that he cares more about the animals than presents. I miss you guys!

Gwen said...

Happy Birthday Nolan! I think its so cool that you are raising money for the sea otters for your're a great kid! We miss all of you!