Friday, August 28, 2009

August 26, 2009: Barrett's 1st Day of School

Barrett started Kindergarten and Nolan entered 2nd grade this week, and they are both loving it! They even started riding the bus to school this year!

Barrett and big brother Nolan ready to head out for the first day of school!

Kelly dropped Nolan off at his class first. He has Mrs. Ailes this year and really enjoys her class.

Barrett then got set in his Kindergarten class with Mrs. Schaefer. Suzy was Nolan's teacher for K too, and she was one of our great neighbors in the old neighborhood.

Barrett at his seat in his first classroom!

Nolan and Barrett at the end of the first day of school!

Swimming, music and scouts start soon. Ice is expected back in early September and hockey starts up again in early October. Here we go...

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