Sunday, July 22, 2007

Coolest House Location...EVER!

OK, first...Travis and Kelly are home from the hospital this afternoon (some pictures are in the previous post).

Getting closer to the reason for the post...the Thunderbirds arrived for their Wednesday Frontier Days airshow and have been zipping around over town all day. We had two of them do a rather low pass over the hospital as Travis first hit the "open-air" outside the hospital...again...coincidence...we think NOT!
Possibly due to an executive order by Dick during his moments as Commander in Chief Saturday morning! Oh, and Kelly reminded me two or three made a pass directly over the house as Travis arrived home!

We were wondering what would be the special reminder day of Travis being born...with Nolan on Pearl Harbor Day, and Barrett on MLK day (and the birthday of his great-great Grandmother). I guess we now have something definitely special to remember by.

Now, if you ever want to visit us, we highly recommend the Sunday through Wednesday of CFD since apparently the Air Force Thunderbirds due a bit of practicing prior to the actual Wednesday show. We arrived home with Travis to find the 7 F-16Cs ALL OVER THE FRICKIN' PLACE!!! Just at the end of the practice we saw several passes, some high and some really, really low over our subdivision (and one or two directly over the house!). At the end of the practice, 4 of them came nearly over the house and out across the northeast part of town (great view from the house) to form up their diamond shape (in picture above). They then did a hard bank and went by just to the north of the house with smoke on. I guess they do this pass over the afternoon rodeo at CFD. Following the pass, they split up and come back east near our house on approach to land. It is really, REALLY cool!
I borrowed the picture above from the AF, but will have to see if any of my pictures turned out very good. I'm hoping to get video of the diamond formation passing the house on Monday or Tuesday if they are out practicing again! May try to get a picture of the kids on the deck with the Thunderbirds behind them too!

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