Sunday, June 08, 2008

June 6th, 2008: Nolan's Last Day of Kindergarten

Nolan's last day of Kindergarten was only 2 hours long, and involved wrapping up some loose ends around the classroom and then time to try flying their kite creations.

In typical Wyoming fashion, the winds were solidly around 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph at 9 am. This made for an unfair match between the kites and the wind, with the wind destroying all of the kites. A few kites were able to get airborne briefly, including Nolan's, but without perfect balance the kite did about five or six loops and crashed hard into the ground. The impact did in the frame, so Nolan was off to help some of his classmates see if their kites could take off.

Then Mrs. Schaefer was prepared with bubbles and sidewalk chalk for the kids to decorate the basketball courts.

After heading back inside, the kids were able to listen to one more story from Mrs. Schaefer before Principal Lamirand counted down to the end of the school year (and to his retirement).

The picture below is of the table Nolan was at for the latter part of the year.

After school, we got a few pictures like we also took on the first day of school:

First Day of School (above)
Last Day of School (below)

First Day of School (above)
Last Day of School (below)

And there it is, as of 1030 am on Friday, June 6, 2008, Nolan is officially a 1st Grader!!!

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