Saturday, June 23, 2007

June 17, 2007: Fathers Day Trip to Rocky Mountain National Park

Last Sunday, we decided to head up into Rocky Mountain National Park and take advantage of being so close to one of our favorite locations.

We had a great day, with a picnic lunch near the Alluvial Fan (Endovalley) area and a trip up Trail Ridge Road (including a visit to the store where I used to work in the summers of 1992 and 1993).

After coming back down Trail Ridge in the late afternoon, we swung through Estes Park just long enough to grab a bite to eat at Ed's (and catch Tiger's missed put on 18 in the US Open). We had a great dinner at the recently (a few years ago it turns out) renovated Ed's and wound our way through a few shops and playgrounds along the way. On the way home, we watched a little thunderstorm get quite big and produce a nice lightning display in NE CO and SE WY.

Below are a customary few pictures...

At the Alluvial Fan.
Again at the Alluvial Fan.
Nolan...rock climbing (aka...bouldering) at the Alluvial Fan.
Nolan in the snow at the base of the stair "trail" above Trail Ridge Store.
Nolan resting on the rocks on the trail above Trail Ridge Store (note the road in the background).

Nolan at the top of the stair "trail" above Trail Ridge Store. He's not quite ready for Longs Peak, but we'll probably have to try it in a few years! Kelly and Barrett waited on us down in the store, in which the food service area is being totally renovated this summer by the new concessionaire, Xanterra. Otherwise it is the same old place. I get a kick out of the fact that this sign was changed a few years back as it used to say something about being "higher than Oregon's famed Mt. Hood" which is actually about 800 feet lower than this point. Some whiny Pacific Northwesterners must have been 'offended' by RMNP poking a little fun at another national park being vertically challenged.

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