Wednesday, July 25, 2007

July 25th, 2007: Enjoying Frontier Days on Cheyenne Day 2007

Nolan, Barrett and I got up early today to partake in our first Cheyenne Frontier Days Pancake Breakfast. The Kiwanis Club puts on this event Monday, Wednesday and Friday of CFD Week, and it is quite the undertaking.
According to the CFD website, "This year, the volunteers will serve up more than 100,000 flapjacks made from 5,000 pounds of pancake mix, cook-up 3,000 pounds of ham, serve 9,200 cartons of milk and 520 gallons of coffee, along with 630 pounds of butter and 475 gallons of syrup!"
We were probably more than 1000th in line this morning when we arrived at 645am and once 700am rolled around...the line literally never stopped moving so it was not a bad wait at all. We were definitely eating by 720am. They even had cub scouts and their parents to help people like me with little kids. After you get your napkin and fork, 4 different stops in line produce the breakfast shown below!

They have lots of seating on 2x8s which the boys did a great job eating off. Below are a couple of pictures from breakfast. The event is held downtown at the Depot, and you can see the clock tower at the Depot in the second picture.

Now, Nolan did great and helped Barrett by eating some of his ham slice...but check out how much Barrett put away in the picture below. He was a machine...almost completely finishing his three large pancakes!

After breakfast, we returned home and Travis and Kelly were awake. We played awhile and waited for the 1000am start to the aerial display by the Thunderbirds. I am glad to have successfully taken some photos earlier in the week, since the display was a little different for the actual 30 minute airshow.

The highlight for us today was the incredible pass one of the Thunderbirds made RIGHT OVER OUR HOUSE and VERY, VERY LOW coming from the back to the front. I was trying to video a bit of 4 of the jets flying together when the pass occurred. We were all incredibly frightened by it and I think all had hands going to our ears as fast as we could. All I remember is grabbing my ears and looking right into the red back end of the engine! We also had another less-low pass by two of the Thunderbirds that was low enough to make the air "crackle" from excess noise. We were very happy to have stayed home and not battle the traffic over to the show-site. It was really cool! Below is a shot of the family watching the Thunderbirds.

After naps and lunch, we headed over to the Park and Ride at the mall to get to the Wyoming Air National Guard static display air-show. We did not expect the almost 1 hr wait for the bus-ride to the base, so Kelly and Travis decided not to push it in the heat and decided to walk around the mall and wait for us there. Below are some of the pictures we took once we reached the show area.

These are the "buggers" who constantly buzz our house, which may be why Nolan looks like he just turned around from lecturing this WY ANG C-130.

We thought this C-17 was cool since it came from Mississippi...and the picture of the boys in the jump-seats below is in this aircraft.

Barrett and Nolan as close as we were allowed to the Thunderbirds on the tarmac.

Nolan decided to take this one over and jump in the right seat.

Inside the main hangar, NASA had a few displays and as you can see below, the boys enjoyed pretending to be headed to space!

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