Monday, July 23, 2007

Thunderbird Mania!!!---Day 2

Another great day of watching the Thunderbirds. When they came out for the afternoon practice, I was mowing and let's just say they scared the heck out of me (I already used "frick" in a post this week, but "frick!"...I wish I would have saved it for this post since that was about what came out of my mouth when the roar overcame the mower noise!).

Below are my much improved efforts in photographing this incredibly awesome display. We can't wait for tomorrow and Wednesday!

These two were coming from the airshow grounds north over our subdivision and just east of our house.

This is the lowest pass they make over the subdivision during the performance. This picture is looking just south of west up our street. Click on this one for sure to see the full image.

These two are some of my favorites with the four F-16C's. In these pictures, they have just passed to the east of the house in the diamond formation, made a hard left bank in formation and came out of the turn in this formation. They were very close to passing directly over our house when I took these from the back yard.

Finally, as the others were preparing to land after the afternoon practice, these three flew directly overhead (I was literally looking straight up to take this picture) and made a few passes over Frontier Park and this afternoon's rodeo performance. We later saw these three again over downtown as we went to Travis' first check-up.

As you might imagine I have dozens more, but these were the best. I'm glad I figured out the focus issue and also how to take several shots in a row.

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