Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28th, 2008: Rotavirus ... UGHHHH!

Note from the American Medical Association...
The Rotavirus vaccine does not work!!!!!

Unfortunately we can now verify this as Travis has been in a world of hurt the last week. And just Kelly's luck, it all started right before Scott started a stretch of 7 midnights.

After one trip to the pediatrician Thursday, the ER on Friday night, and Travis and Kelly spending a night in the hospital Sunday night with Travis hydrating on an IV, things are looking up. Now, Scott only has one more midnight left and Travis is holding down some food well and back to his normal 'chatty' self.

So, the Memorial Day holiday weekend which was expected to be a massive celebration of Scott's candidacy for POTUS (he turned 35 on May 22nd and is now officially eligible) turned into a bit of a nightmare in the Wyoming Carpenter's house. Scott guesses that he'll have to just stick with his new position on the Cheyenne Capitals Hockey Board instead, and oh by the way we're hosting a "Celebration of the Onset of Hurricane Season" this Saturday. We needed a reason to host a gathering, and didn't have to look far!

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