Monday, May 12, 2008

May 4th, 2008: Sunday In RMNP

We decided to have a garage sale on May 3rd along with several other homes in our subdivision, and that went quite well. There was not much to sell this year, but we still went through some of the items that Travis has outgrown or nearly outgrown. Nolan and Barrett were out at the table with me at 7am to sell coffee, lemonade and cookies for their hockey fund, and they took in a lot of money again this year.

Since Scott was off again Sunday, May 4th and would have to work day shifts on Mothers Day weekend, we decided to head up to Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park for the day.

After a picnic lunch at Sheep Lakes, we thought we might just stroll around Bear Lake with a little snow on the ground. But instead we found 3 feet + of snow remaining on the ground there. So, we headed back down to Sprague Lake and found our walk with only about 100 yards of snow to traverse.

This was our first opportunity (of hopefully many) to have Travis in the backpack and he had a "ball!" He really likes having Dad haul him around.

Some other nice tourists helped us get a family picture.

Back in Estes Park while Kelly did some shopping, Nolan and Barrett took some time on their favorite Estes playground. The above picture shows Nolan on the monkey bars, which he can now go across and back without falling. Last summer, he could not so he was very proud of being able to complete this challenge after lots of practice on the playground at school!

Barrett was also having a lot of fun on the playground equipment in Estes.

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