Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 20th, 2008: Travis' First Birthday Party!

I think we had some 31 people somehow on the main floor of our house for Travis' first birthday party. It was CRAZY, but GREAT time, and everyone seemed to enjoy the Blue Bell Ice Cream and another of Kelly's cake creations!

Above: The birthday boy and his balloons.

Above: A couple of "crowd shots."

Above: Travis and his personal cake before he tried to dive in.

A little frosting here and there. Notice he had to pull on his ear since his pediatrician (and also our friend and the father of one of Nolan's classmates) was present. Travis has this obsession with making Kelly think he has an ear-ache so that he can go see Joe at the Dr.'s office.

The damage.

After his bath, Travis opened some presents and the party came to an end.

Kelly, Nolan, Barrett and our friends Matt and Gwen from Billings then went to the night show at Cheyenne Frontier Days to see Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts (yes, Kelly ended up getting to see the show twice over the weekend!). Ben, Sandy and I stayed home and babysat Travis and Rylan.

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