Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 21st, 2008: More presents and an Afternoon and Evening at CFD!

We loaded up and headed off to Cheyenne Frontier Days after the Thunderbirds finished practicing and Travis opened a few more presents from the family Monday afternoon. Nolan had to be checked in for his Mutton Bustin' experience by around 630pm, so that left time for Nolan and Barrett to ride a few rides on the Midway and to get some "carny food" for dinner. Here are several photos from this great afternoon and evening at Frontier Park!
Travis after opening more gifts on his 1st birthday!!

While Scott and Nolan headed over to get Nolan set up for his Mutton Bustin', Kelly, Barrett, Travis, Ben and Sandy walked around the Midway some more. The highlight for Kelly and Barrett was meeting Dave Logan (the voice of the Broncos on 850 KOA and the Broncos Radio Network) and Lois who are the hosts of "The Drive Home" evening radio program on KOA. Below you can see Barrett, Lois and Dave, and Lois and Dave were nice enough to wish Travis a happy first birthday over the air of the 50000 Watt KOA (this was the second time Travis' birthday was mentioned on KOA that day, as Kelly also got the morning show people to mention it at the pancake breakfast downtown!!!).

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